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2009 Yongsheng New Product Seminar
 Mar 13, 2009|View:172

Yongsheng Company has developed a new type of multi roll solvent-free coating head - five roll solvent-free coating head. In order to promote this new technology, the company has decided to hold an on-site new product seminar and invite manufacturers from the silicon coating industry to participate.

On March 7, 2009, the company held a five roll solvent-free coating technology seminar as scheduled, with representatives from major manufacturers attending a total of about thirty people. The technical department introduced the new technology of five roll coating, and representatives from Blue Star Company, which produces silicone oil, also spoke at the meeting. After the meeting, representatives from various companies visited the coating workshop to visit the process of silicon coating on the five roll coating head. During the meeting, there was a lively discussion on technical professional issues.

The entire conference received a warm response, and after the end of the conference, the intended customers eagerly discussed the product details with our company. The entire conference achieved a successful outcome!

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